Monday 24 March 2014

Homemade Almond Lip Scrub

First World problem it may be, but Boots doesn't sell lip scrub. It's awfully inconvenient. Of course, I could get it at Lush, but it seems overpriced for something I could make in my own kitchen, and so I did.

How to make your own lip scrub:

You will need:
- Sugar
- Honey
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Essence of Vanilla/Almond/etc. (optional) for flavour
- Red or Pink food colouring (optional) for colour

- A small container
- A mixing bowl
- A teaspoon and a tablespoon

Just follow these 5 simple steps!

I had this small Body Shop container left over from a promotion they were doing a few weeks ago. Knew it would turn out to be useful!

 Step 1:

Place 1&1/2 to 2 tablespoons of sugar into a mixing bowl.

 Step 2:

Pour approx. 1 tablespoon of olive oil onto the sugar and mix it in. These measurements are approximate because they will depend on consistency.

 Step 3:

This is the consistency you're aiming for: sandy, sticking together but not very oily or mushy. If you're not sure, see how it feels on your lips. Too oily? Add sugar. Too abrasive? Add oil.

 Step 4:

Add a touch of honey, for moisture, flavour, and to keep the mixture from separating. Half a teaspoon will do, any more might make the scrub too sticky. Mix it in until you reach the desired consistency.

 Step 5 (optional):

Now's the time to add flavour and/or colouring to your lip scrub. I chose to use almond essence, because I love the taste and smell, but vanilla essence or orange blossom water would've gone just as well. Just a few drops will be largely enough! 
If you want, you can use food colouring as a kind of built-in lipstain - I chose not to for the very simple reason that I am a klutz and would have gotten it all over my clothes in no time.

Pop it into your container, and voila! 

Your very own, personalized lip scrub.

 I had some left over, so I decided to wrap it into tin foil and a teabag-shaped package as a small present for my sister.

Gasp! My real name was almost revealed!

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